24 April 2024
Important Dates
22-24 April | Year 6 Camp |
25 April | Anzac Day Public Holiday |
29 April | P&C Meeting at 6 pm |
30 April | Mother’s Day Stall K1 |
1 May | Mother’s Day Stall K2 to Year 6 |
1 May | R4 Assembly |
9 May | Year 6 Fundraising Sausage Sizzle |
10 May | Walk Safely to School Day |
13 May | Board Meeting at 5:30 pm |
15 May | R8 Assembly |
Principal’s Report
Welcome to Term Two, I trust everyone had a great holiday break.
Year Six Camp
The Year Sixes left for camp on Monday, and we expect them back around 3 pm today. The weather has certainly been much nicer than last year so far, packing bags into a bus in the rain wasn’t fun. Hopefully they will come back brimming with confidence and a willingness to support others.
P&C Easter Fun
It was great to see so many families attend the Easter fun afternoon. The P&C are holding a Mother’s Day stall again this year. There is more information regarding this later in the newsletter. They will be holding it a week earlier than usual as Ashton is expecting her baby the week later and as the fundraising coordinator, she would like to oversee the stall.
Teacher’s Strike
Thank you to the families that supported the teachers' strike action yesterday by keeping their children at home. Hopefully there will be a decision made regarding the new award soon.
ANZAC Service
This Friday we will be holding an ANZAC Service in the undercover area at 8:45 am. Families are most welcome to attend. The following guests will be attending, the Honourable Amber-Jade Sanderson, Minister for Health, representing the Morley electorate, the Mayor of the City of Bayswater, Filomena Piffaretti, the President of the Eastern Regional RSL, Mr Andrew Robertson, and the Chairman of the School Board, Mr Xavier Teo. If the children belong to a service club that wear a uniform e.g., scouts, they are welcome to attend in their uniform, otherwise we expect to see students in their tri-coloured polo shirt.
School Uniform
Several of our female students have been wearing black shorts to school, these are not part of our school uniform, and we would prefer that they not be worn to school. Also, necklaces and dangling earrings should not be worn to school. This is a safety issue for the children
Yvonne Arnott
Harmony Day Celebrations
What a wonderful day we had celebrating Harmony Day! It is such an important day in the school calendar as it sums up the values we teach all year long about acceptance, showing consideration, respect, courtesy, resilience, co-operation and responsibility. We hope it helped to empower our students with the understanding that while we all have differences, we are all very much the same and EVERYBODY BELONGS. We may come from different places, eat different foods, speak different languages, dance in different ways, but we all eat, we all communicate, and we all celebrate. The feelings we experience are the same all over the world and even though we are different, we are all human beings, and we can all be friends.
Thank you to all the parents for the support you showed by helping your child to dress in attire from their cultural heritage, for bringing in such delicious food for the children and community to enjoy and for sharing your time to help celebrate this important day with us!
Has your contact information changed?
Please notify the office if any of your contact details have changed. It is important that we have the correct contact information for carers and students for general correspondence and in the case of an emergency.
Last Chance to WIN
If you haven’t paid your voluntary contributions, make sure you do so by this Friday 26 April to go into the draw to win a Tudor Uniform voucher for either one, two or three school shirts.
Thank you to families who have already paid their voluntary contributions. These monies go to much needed resources for students.
Thank you to the P&C for your continued support of the Hampton Park Primary School community.
Kindy Enrolments – NOW OPEN
Enrolments are now open for our 2025 Kindergarten program for children whose date of birth falls between the 1 July 2020 and the 30 June 2021. Applications close on Friday 19 July. Once we have confirmed applications, notification of acceptance will be sent in writing.
The Application for Enrolment form can be found on our website under Enrolment, or you can collect a form from the office.
Hello HPPS Families, we want to thank everyone for the wonderful support towards our Easter Raffle last term! An amazing $2,082.00 was raised. Truly amazing results from our community. These funds are going towards new bike and scooter racks for our students. It's support like this that makes it possible for us to make these projects a reality. We would also like to congratulate our seven lucky winners! We hope these hampers brought much joy to you all.
1st Thea.P - PP2
2nd Niranjan.N - C5
3rd Nathan.N - C2
4th Lilly.S - R8
5th Melinna.T - C5
6th Scottie.B - C4
7th Indi.A - K1
Did you come to our Easter Trail on the 22 of March? Wow, what a fun filled afternoon it was. Lots of students and families came down and enjoyed all the free activities, we also had several lucky winners on the chocolate wheel too. Lady Bee Ice Cream joined us, and we had some fun lawn games. We really enjoyed throwing this event for our school community and we plan to bring it back next year. Thanks to everyone who volunteered, donated or bought something in support of our cause. The community spirit was huge and it’s a pleasure to bring so much joy to our children.
Mother’s Day Stall
Our annual Mother’s Day stall is back on Tuesday 30 April and Wednesday 1 May. We will be setup in the undercover area for recess 10:35 am and lunch 12:35 pm both days. Kindy and Pre-Primary students also have the opportunity to do some shopping on these days, we setup a stall at 11:30 am in the ELC area. We sold out last year, so our fundraising coordinator Ashton, has made sure to stock up big this year. There are some amazing gifts for sale, with prices ranging from $1 - $10!
We are hoping to open the canteen on Thursdays, but we need more volunteers to be able to do this. Mums, Dads, Carers, Aunts, Uncles, Nans, Grans, Pops and Pas, please reach out to us and join in the fun! The children absolutely shine seeing their family in the canteen helping out. All our volunteers receive a $5 canteen voucher each time they help, this can be redeemed for your own lunch or your child’s. You can also log your voluntary hours towards the child care subsidy. We also provide you with free training and qualifications which can be handy for other opportunities in your life. You can contact us via email info@hppspandc.org.au for more information, we are happy to answer any questions you may have. There is also an online volunteer sheet you can check out and signup on the day that suits you.
Spriggy Schools is the only way to order from the canteen. The app is very user friendly and easy to understand, we can also refund orders instantly. So if your child is sick just flick us a message or call the school and we will refund your purchase. www.spriggyschools.com.au
Book Club
Issue 3 is out, and catalogues have gone home with students. Please note all order are due Thursday 2nd, May! Cash orders must be dropped in the Library Box only please. To order and pay for online, please visit www.scholastic.com.au/LOOP or download the LOOP App.
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