Enrolment Information
School Age Calculator
All children of compulsory school age must be enrolled at school and attend every day.
Use the link below to determine when your child can start school.
Local Area Intake Boundary
To qualify for enrolment at Hampton Park Primary, students must be residing within the boundaries of our local intake area, as determined by the Department of Education.
Click Here to open the schools online WA local Area intake boundary map for Hampton Park Primary
If you are not permanently residing within our local area intake boundary, please contact us on 08 9413 4200 for more information.
Enrolment Application Procedures
If you are considering enrolling your child at Hampton Park Primary School, please refer to the information below. Applications for Enrolment can be emailed to us at hamptonpark.ps@education.wa.edu.au or you can visit the school Administration. If emailing the application you will receive a return email confirming receipt. Applications are not considered to be accepted by the school until they are approved by our Principal and all official documentation has been verified. For students wishing to commence as soon as possible, the processing time is three business days from the time of approval. For more information, please contact us on 9413 4200 or hamptonpark.ps@education.wa.edu.au.
Applications & Eligibility
Please complete the Application for Enrolment form at the link below and return it to us at hamptonpark.ps@education.wa.edu.au .
Copies of the following documents must be supplied with all Applications for Enrolment:
- Birth Certificate/Passport;
- Australian Citizenship certificate (if applicable);
- Court orders (if applicable);
- 2 x Proof of address documents (see below for more information);
- Immunisation History Statement (see below for more information);
- Visa documentation (if applicable, see below for more information).
Parents are reminded that under the Education Act 1999 (Div 2.20) ‘the Principal may cancel the enrolment if false or misleading information was given’. It is a requirement that all information provided is accurate and that the school is informed immediately of any change of address.
Proof of Address requirements
To determine your eligibility for enrolment please provide 2 x proof of address as follows:
- 2 x current utilities bills (no more than 2-3 months old) – landline telephone, gas, electricity. We do not accept Council Rates or Water Rates.
- If you are renting or leasing a property, a full copy of the rental/lease agreement must be provided, showing a minimum term of at least six months).
The Department of Education requires immunisation records to be provided with Enrolment Applications. We are no longer able to accept the ‘baby books’ as proof of immunisations. This Immunisation History Statement must be no more than two months old when enrolment is completed. Parents of students vaccinated in Australia can request an Immunisation History Statement from MyGov, by contacting the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809, or by emailing acir@humanservices.gov.au
Students born overseas
If the student was not born in Australia, you must provide evidence of the date of entry into Australia; passport or travel documents; and visa documents (please see below) if applicable.
Temporary Visa Holders
If your student is a temporary visa holder you must provide:
- Confirmation of enrolment or evidence of permission to transfer provided by Education International (if holding an International full fee student visa, subclass 571; or
- Evidence of the visitor and temporary resident visa (other than subclass 571 above); or
- Evidence of the visa for which the student has applied (if the student is on a bridging visa).